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Bodyworkers specialize in returning energetic balance and health to you through skill, Divine connection, and other tools. Bodyworker sessions vary in length and price. 
Visit their booths to see how they work and to sign up for a session!
QUESTIONS? Contact the Vendor Coordinator at

Donna Lakes Ascension Healing Arts Center

The Ascension Healing Arts Center is dedicated to helping people heal on all levels — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual — with natural medicine and holistic techniques. They will be offering therapeutic massage, chair massage, reflexology, inner child healings, past life healings, intuitive Reiki, Ascension Healing, acupuncture demos, and chiropractic demos at the expo. Visit on the web and Ascension Healing Arts Center on Facebook to see what other services they offer and to meet their team!

The Etheric Architect, Lynne Blandford

Life is a journey. Healing is a journey within the journey. It is neither negative nor positive…just another part of the journey. It requires, above all else, Patience. Combine it with Perseverance and Faith…and you can go a long way. With the help of crystal energy, Lynne Blandford can release blocked energy, find your energy weaknesses, and strengthen your auric field! Have you been in a car accident, given birth, are you just stuck and don’t know why?! Come see Lynne to get an “Energy Balancing” session and maybe move some stuck energy and feel more balanced!

Contact Lynne at:

Christine Fodor, Renewal Clearing & Healing

Christine Fodor of Renewal Clearing & Healing is a healing psychic offering channeled intuitive healing featuring Cosmic Fire, an expansive multidimensional energy guided by the Holy Fire® and Holy Spirit that is nurturing and comforting to everyone, but especially to lightworkers, starseeds, and indigo, crystal, and rainbow children. As an Energy Medicine Specialist, Christine also offers Access Consciousness® Bars, Facelift and Body Processes, ThetaHealing® and is a Holy Fire® III Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master and contributor to an international best-selling book on self-love. Christine will help you actualize greater possibilities in love, relationships, business, health and wealth. 248-444-7408,

Jessica Guibord, Peace of Love Healing

Introducing Jessica Guibord, certified EnergyTouch® Practitioner and owner of Peace of Love Healing. Jessica is an intuitive healer who receives guidance from her Higher Self, angels, and other spirit guides. She has been practicing EnergyTouch® healing techniques since 2014 when she began her formal training at the EnergyTouch® School of Advanced Healing in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After completing the 3-year certification, she has the ability to work in the outer levels of the energy field, which allow her to work on a cellular level within multi-dimensional holograms. She has conducted hundreds of healing sessions with amazing results. Website:

The Healing Trio

Did you know your energetic container is also your money container? Liz will be performing energy maintenance sessions to clean up your energy and rid yourself of the yucky energy you pick up on the daily. Facebook: @cleanseyoursoulandspirit. Sangotta Tune can help you to balance your frequency. Ask Jenny about using Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Technology and Magnetic Resonance Stimulation to energize the cells of the body and stimulate the body’s own healing processes. Facebook: @sangotta.tune After your energy is cleared, relax and enjoy a free chair massage with Amy of Key of Life Wellness.

Gregory Hellenberg, Sunward Energy Healing

Gregory was trained as a healer at the Center of Enlightenment Church in Ferndale. He offers healings at the Church most Sundays since then, & once at the Temple of the Sun in Royal Oak. “I just love to do it!!!” Gregory says. He also attained the 1st degree in the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing conducted by Patty Shaw. During a Reiki Share session, he was told that he has five generations of healers & mediums in his family! Contact Gregory at: 248-208-5273 or

Barry Helm, Channeled Healing

Barry Helm, intuitive, channel, bodyworker, healer, has been providing services since 1988 with practices in New York City, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Boulder, and Kentucky. He travels throughout the country assisting individuals and groups in their transformational process. Additional info:

Lori Irvin, ZSource Connection

Rev. Lori Irvin, Medical Intuitive Healer trained in Lily Dale, NY, & Ann Arbor, MI, is a Holy-Fire Reiki Master & Occupational Therapist, who provides customized healing to reduce/eliminate your emotional or physical symptoms. Known as an "extractor," she helps remove and transform that energy for healing. Sessions may include cord removal, crystals, color energy & Inner Child work. Clients report reductions in their pain, anxiety, fatigue, etc., along with a feeling of peace & lightness. Sit with Lori as she connects with Source, Ascended Masters, angels, and spirit guides, to heal & change the vibration of the dis-ease.

Roxanne Kuchciak, Creating Beyond LLC

Roxanne is an Intuitive Empowerment Coach who uses several different healing modalities including Theta Healing, Access Consciousness: the Bars and Access Body Processes, and Sacred Activations, as well as Soul Realignment to help clients unhook from their limitations, beliefs, patterns, and programs that are keeping them incongruent from what they are asking to create. She helps them to identify with what they would like to create and removes energies they have outgrown. Website:

Christa Lynn, Crystal/Energy Channeler

Have you ever felt intense healing energy? Christa Lynn is a crystal/energy channeler and psychic, and has been channeling energy and doing psychic readings for almost 20 years. Called into service for humanity in 9/17, her healing energy became really powerful and continues to get stronger and stronger. Sessions focus on healing your aura, clearing and balancing your chakras, healing your emotional body and, very importantly, healing your physical body. Treat yourself to an intense healing energy experience! 586-214-7160 or

Michael Lynn, Body Whisperer

Michael Lynn, known as a Body Whisperer, is a Medical Intuitive Medium who has helped thousands of people & animals heal from physical, mental, & emotional conditions affecting their lives and good health. Michael is an complementary/alternative healing practitioner who uses his spiritual intuitive gifts to help clients with various conditions. With his spirit connections and caring personality, Michael helps people on their path toward emotional and spiritual enlightenment. Private sessions available in person or phone. Located SE Michigan. 931-548-4337,,

Neuroacoustical Vibrational Healing

Endowed with the empowerment of Yakushi Nyorai, Japanese Buddha of Healing, and trained in Neuroacoustical Vibrational Healing from Jeffrey Thompson's Center for Neuroacoustic Research, you are offered a deep healing session with the assistance of sound vibrations. Neuroacoustical Sound Table w/ copper plates offers full-body vibrations that heal from the inside out with headphones that isolate the frequencies from a choice of CD's that lets one feel and hear energy. One can also enjoy a planetary ride for fun, with space sounds from NASA. Healing, relaxation or fun — it is an experience to have. Enjoy the ride! 

Dr. Divya Sadaram, Passion Healings LLC

Dr. Divya Sadaram, medical intuitive, holistic healer and spiritual counsellor, offers transformative energy medicine work for the body, mind, and soul for people of all walks of life to heal holistically and to reconnect with their true self for a healthy, happy, and joyous life. She offers distant and personal sessions of Theta Healing, Reconnective Healing, Access Bars, Access Facelift, Access Body Processes, Emotional Freedom, Holographic quantum healings, Past life Regressions, Soul Retrieval. She is a Master  Theta Healer and Certificate of Science in Theta Healing, instructor for Theta Healing, Access Bars, Energetic Facelift. Visit, contact

Sarah Schweitzer, Star Light Connection

Sarah, founder of Star Light Connection, offers leading-edge sessions focused on the Lightbody Ascension Process, various healing modalities, & etheric surgery, bridging 3D to 5D transitions, Ascension transmission codes, and so much more! The latest two "new-to-the-planet modalities," Body Wisdom Healing and Your Personal Dragon & Connection to the Dragon Realm, will debut at the expo this weekend. Check out her website:, follow her on Facebook:, call her at: 586-771-4569 email her at: and make sure you see her at her booth this weekend!

Clarence Sheufelt, Healing of the Spirit

Clarence Sheufelt is a wellness coach. He will be featuring reflexology foot massages with Reiki energy for each of the reflexes located on the bottom of the client's feet. Each reflex can indicate how healthy that area is. The analysis of the reflexes will be available to the client, as well as Ivoti scanning to determine which essential oil(s) would be beneficial for the person. Clarence uses doTerra and Nature's Sunshine products. Contact:

Todd Stockwell, Power Beyond

Todd Stockwell is a healer, teacher, business leader, and spiritual leader who has been an expert on Wisdom Radio, Clear Channel, Achieve Radio, BBS Radio, WBZT, and many other television and radio stations. Todd is known to many as an expert on the evolution of the consciousness of humanity and the New Paradigm. Todd is a true leader and true teacher of light who is in the highest service for all to awaken to our highest reality. Visit his booth for an empowerment or healing and to learn about his Quant-Om, PowerBeyond, and Beyonder Programs, systems that help you find your divine path. Call (734)740-9110 and transform your life today!,,

Symmetry Biofield Therapy, David Stouffer

Biofield Therapy is a safe and effective way to help restore physiological balance. Scientific studies confirm that biofield therapy has the capability to treat stress, balance hormones and neurotransmitters, decrease the need for medication, and decrease pain. Just one seated biofield therapy session can help you feel balanced, refreshed, and energized. Like us on Facebook for a free treatment upgrade. Visit us at, email us at

Jason Windell, Reiki Master

Jason is an Usui Reiki Master and life coach who channels Divine healing energy and directs it into your major organs. That energy flows outward throughout your body to the parts that need it most, unblocking any stuck areas, uncovering stored emotions and easing pain and stress. The energy that is infused during one of Jason’s treatments, moves in and out to clear these areas and restore a healthy flow. Jason uses his intuitive abilities alongside his healing modalities to detect misalignment in your energy field and balance your chakras. Jason can be reached at (248) 361-9315 or

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