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Saturday Presentations

PRESENTATIONS are FREE with paid Expo admission!​

NEW LOCATION: Presentations take place in the intimate Experimental Theater,
down the hall from the food vendors. (Seats approx. 200)

PLEASE NOTE: Late admittance is prohibited for most Gallery Readings. 

Seating is available 20 minutes before each presentation.

Schedule is subject to change. SEE ALSO the Sunday Presentations.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

"Messages from the Furry Side: Pet Gallery Readings for Animals Alive or Departed"

Laura Moody, Pet Psychic and Animal Communicator


Back by popular demand, Laura has been a favorite among our gallery readers. She now offers her skills regarding your pets, those with you now and those on the other side. Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking? When they look at you with questioning eyes, does it make you wish they could voice their concerns, their problems, and let you know exactly what it is that bothers them? Now you can reach into your pet's soul, and discover everything they want to tell you. Your pet has a soul purpose, just like you. Readings cover general and specific information. While your pet has no need for advice on money or career, Laura can give them the voice they have always wanted. She is a qualified animal communicator and pet psychic, and is willing to offer clarity and accuracy in telling you what your pet's wants and needs are.


In addition to working with pets, Laura is a third-generation medium, psychic and intuitive. She does personal readings and holds classes and psychic parties. Contact her at 313-412-7690 or

Visit Laura at her crystals booth, "Rock Your World," in the vendor section of the expo!

"Why We Get Sick"

Dr. Keyon Pittman, N.D., The Herbal Touch LLC

12:00–1:00 pm

Dr. Pittman's love for the natural world began in the 1997, when he changed his life by holistic means, and started learning from the masters and ancestors before him. He went to college to be a medical doctor and ended up finding his true passion in God’s world and universe, using natural means to return the body back to balance and its normal state, as a traditional naturopathic doctor.


This presentation will look at the causes of illness and how we can cure them naturally, rather than through pharmaceuticals, which often create as many problems as they cure. 


Dr. Keyon Pittman is co-owner of The Herbal Touch LLC and Ascension Institute of Botanicals, with degrees in biology, health science, physical education, and traditional naturopathic medicine. While starting two businesses in holistic health and phyto-education, Keyon has been an educator of biology, chemistry and health, and physical education for 20 years. Keyon is also a traveled speaker across the U.S. for individuals, universities, and companies that would like to further educate their clients as well as themselves.

Make sure to visit The Herbal Touch LLC's booth in the vendor area of the Expo!

Gallery Reading

Lisa Bousson, Evidential Medium

1:30–2:30 pm

Wouldn’t it be great to know, without a doubt, that your loved ones are still around you, continuing their involvement in your life? Join internationally known psychic medium Lisa Bousson as she enlightens and inspires, bringing through evidence of your ancestors’ survival. Come with your heart and mind open, as you may be reunited with those you love! “As a medium, I am honored to witness the bonds of love, heartfelt compassion and healing energy from spirit to their loved ones here on earth. Spirit wants to talk to us as much as we want to talk with them.”


For more than five decades, Michigan psychic medium Lisa Bousson has been communicating with the world of Spirit. Lisa is a Certified Spiritualist Healer, Reiki Master, Certified Spiritualist Medium, Certified Psychic Medium, Ordained Spiritualist Minister, Ordained Metaphysical Minister, instructor at the famed historic Lily Dale Assembly, and currently holds a Bachelor’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences from The University of Sedona. Along with her private practice based in Sterling Heights, MI, Lisa teaches spiritual development classes and holds public demonstrations of mediumship throughout the country. Learn more at:, contact Lisa at: or 586-322-3217.

Make sure to visit Lisa's booth in the vendor area at the Expo!

At a gallery reading, the medium gives messages from Spirit to the audience. These may be from departed loved ones, guides, angels, and others. [PLEASE NOTE: Not everyone in the audience will receive a message, but all can benefit from the messages received; please remain in your seat until the end of the presentation.]

"Contacting the Other Side" Gallery Reading

Rachel Rains


Rachel Rains has been a practicing psychic medium for over 30 years. She became aware of her abilities after an encounter with the spirit of her deceased father the evening after he was buried, in 1983. She went on to find answers about the “ghost” who had appeared to her. She found her way to the Spiritualist church, studied mediumship, developed her psychic abilities, and became an ordained minister. 


Rachel went on to become a full-time psychic medium, appearing as a regular with Jay Towers on Detroit radio station WDRQ, then moving to Jim Harper's Magic Morning Show (WMGC), where she spent over six years contacting the other side for avid listeners. She was also a featured speaker at the Body Mind Spirit Festivals hosted by phenomeNews.


Rachel continues to dazzle audiences with her "Contacting the Other Side" shows, and guest appearances on television and radio. She is available for private sessions and parties. Rachel is active in the metro-Detroit area psychic community, and can be reached at 313-585-5765, or visit her website at

Visit Rachel at her vendor booth, "Rachel Rains & Company," in the vendor section of the expo!

​At a gallery reading, the medium gives messages from Spirit to the audience. These may be from departed loved ones, guides, angels, and others. [PLEASE NOTE: Not everyone in the audience will receive a message, but all can benefit from the messages received; please remain in your seat until the end of the presentation.]

"Sensing Energy & Seeing Auras"

Tonya Henderson, Creative Spirit Studios

4:30–5:30 pm

Everyone has the hidden talent or ability to sense the energy around them and perhaps even see it with practice. Most people are already doing it to some degree, but simply lack the proper vocabulary or understanding of what they are doing. In this presentation, we'll explore how we sense energy and how it feels, sounds, and looks. Tonya will increase your understanding of energy and explain how you may already be seeing the aura.

Tonya is a teacher of painting, meditation, metaphysics, and self-awareness, dedicated to assisting her clients find their way to a path of enlightenment. As a visionary artist, she creates spiritual paintings reflecting the flow of energy, visionary landscapes, and dreams. Tonya creates Personal Energy Portraits, a reading of your personal energy, combined with her unique artistry. It captures the visions she sees while reading your energy and gives insight to your personality, personal obstacles & challenges, while assisting you on your spiritual journey.


As a 35-year student of metaphysics, Tonya has studied healing modalities such as Reiki & Divine Intervention and is medical intuitive. She clears blocks, balances chakras, releases emotions, and restores Life Force Energy while relaying messages from Spirit. Learn more at:

Make sure to visit Tonya's booth in the vendor area at the Expo!

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Laura Moody
Lisa Bousson
Rachel Rains
Saturday Presentations

Sponsored by the Enlightened Soul Center & Shop, Ann Arbor MI ~

© 2025 by Enlightened Soul Expo

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