Vendor Application

We are so grateful you are applying for booth space in the April 2017 Holistic & Psychic Expo!
Both full payment and completed application are required in order to be considered complete. First come, first served!
Please refer to the guidelines in the Policies document (downloadable PDF on this page).
Thanks and namaste! We look forward to seeing you and serving you!
To get on our mailing list for registration announcements for our Fall Expo (Oct. 14-15, 2017),
please use the form on our home page. Thanks!
QUESTIONS: Email vendorteam@intuitivesinteractive.com or
call/text Vendor Coordinator Geneva at 734-353-2526
ABOUT THIS APPLICATION: (some things may appear different if registering on your phone)
You'll need to submit a maximum 100-word description (approx. 600 characters) for the website and promotions.
When done with the application, hit the "Submit Application" button. After that, the page where you filled out the form should be blank.
After hitting the "Submit Application" button, IF the page is still there and doesn't go to the Paypal page, then there is likely an error in your application. You may see an error message at the bottom that says "Please fill in required fields" if you missed a required question; or you may not, if it's a different problem. Either way, scroll back up the form to find a required question that was not filled out or not filled out properly. (OFTEN it is because you have gone over the 600-character limit in your description.) Answer or fix, and then submit again.
If you are unable to complete this form on this webpage, please click HERE to open the vendor application in another window.
Once you successfully fill out and submit the form, you'll be automatically taken to a Paypal page no matter how you indicated you intend to pay. Your total registration amount will be given there.
No Paypal account is needed to pay at Paypal; YOU MAY PAY ONLINE WITH A DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD. At the bottom right of the Paypal box, you may select “Pay with a debit or credit card, or PayPal Credit” instead of using a Paypal account.
To send a check instead, close the Paypal window. Envelope must be postmarked by February 28 (for Early Discount) or the latest, March 24 (space permitting). Late registrations may be accepted, but may not receive the same promotion exposure. PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Intuitives Interactive LLC, P.O. Box 131335, Ann Arbor, MI 48113
If you have paid online at Paypal after submitting the application, you'll receive an email confirmation message. IF YOU DON'T PAY ONLINE, YOU WILL NOT get an automatic confirmation email; please wait for us to send a confirmation email manually that your application was received.
NEW! Early registration discounts! Both payment & application DUE BY Tuesday, February 28, 2017 for discount.
NEW! You may provide contact information (website, email, and/or phone number) with your published description.
LOCATION OPTIONS: Ballroom or Mezzanine/Lobby (Mezzanine are premium booths, first-seen).
Vendors can also offer readings at their booths. You will take your own payment and appointments, set your own prices and session lengths, maintain your own payment system and cash box.
Single booths are 10' deep x 8' wide. Double booths are 10' deep x 16' wide. Mezzanine/Lobby single booths are 6' deep x 8' wide (possibly a different configuration, but similar square footage) and are the FIRST to be seen.
Double booths are recommended to accommodate bodywork tables; if you bring a bodywork table for a single booth, you will need to bring a tiny table or use a chair if you need additional display space (for signs or list sign-up). There will NOT be room to have a 6ft table and still be able to move around the bodywork table.
Anyone practicing massage must submit a copy of their valid, current State of Michigan license before the Expo to vendorteam@intuitivesinteractive.com, and display it at the Expo.
Anyone offering primarily bodywork/energy work may want to apply instead as a Bodyworker. Bodyworkers are encouraged to bring a helper to take appointments while you are working and to explain what you offer.
Door Prize Donation: We're asking everyone to donate a gift certificate or product to reward our volunteers. Gift certificates should be for full free offers — no coupons or discounts. Product donations should be brought to us at the Expo, instead of letting the recipient choose (because sometimes the certificates are received too late to go to your booth). We will have blank certificates at the Expo for you to fill out, or feel free to bring your own. Please go to the Volunteer Check-In Table to make your donation! Thank you for helping to support our hard-working volunteers!
Instead of publishing a program book, we now use handouts without ads, to save us money, resources, and time.
Please do not light candles or incense, diffuse oils or sprays into the air, or use anything else scented — to respect those who have allergies or sensitivities. Demonstrations may be done only when visitors request or with the express permission of ALL your vendor neighbors. WHEN IN DOUBT, please ask permission from Geneva Studebaker, Vendor Coordinator.
For those who wish to stay overnight in Ann Arbor, blocks of hotel rooms will be arranged for Expo weekend.
Tables (if requested) are uncovered, 6' by 30". The padded chairs do not have arms. You may ask whether curtains or walls are available for an additional fee. To bring your own dividers, please request advance permission in writing from the Vendor Coordinator, Geneva (vendorteam@intuitivesinteractive.com).
Early Registration Discounts apply if BOTH application and payment are complete by February 28.
SINGLE BOOTH SPACES: (10' deep x 8' wide booth)
SINGLE BOOTH SPACE: $200 by February 28 / $250 afterward — SOLD OUT
DOUBLE BOOTH SPACES: (10' deep x 16' wide booth)
DOUBLE BOOTH SPACE: $300 by February 28 / $350 afterward — SOLD OUT
PREMIUM SINGLE BOOTH: $350 by February 28 / $400 afterward (6' deep x 8' wide booth) — SOLD OUT
PREMIUM DOUBLE BOOTH: $450 by February 28 / $500 afterward (6' deep x 16' wide booth) — SOLD OUT
EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: By Tuesday, February 28 (Both application and payment must be complete by 2/28)
REFUNDS: Through Friday, March 10, 2017
BOOTH APPLICATION AND PAYMENT DUE: By Friday, March 24 (Late applications will be accepted until we are full, but may not be included in handouts or publicity.)
HELPER NAME DEADLINE: Friday, March 31, 2017
LOAD-IN AND SET-UP: 7:00 am, Saturday, April 22 (Sorry, no Friday night set-up possible.)