Sunday Presentations - Fall 2019
PRESENTATIONS are FREE with paid Expo admission!
Presentations take place in Multi-Purpose Room 115,
through the Parks & Rec Lobby and down the hall from the Front Desk. (Seats approx. 200)
PLEASE NOTE: Late admittance is prohibited for most Gallery Readings.
Seating is available 20 minutes before each presentation.
Schedule is subject to change. SEE ALSO the Saturday Presentations.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Gallery Reading
Lisa Bousson, Evidential Medium
11:30 am–12:30 pm
Internationally known Evidential Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson will share the world of Spirit in this demonstration of mediumship. Many audience members will be reconnected with their loved ones, and evidence-based information will verify your loved ones' continued presence in your life.
For more than five decades, Michigan psychic medium Lisa Bousson has been communicating with the world of Spirit. Lisa is a Certified Spiritualist Healer, Reiki Master, Certified Spiritualist Medium, Certified Psychic Medium, Ordained Spiritualist Minister, Ordained Metaphysical Minister, instructor at the famed historic Lily Dale Assembly, and currently holds a Bachelor’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences from The University of Sedona. Along with her private practice based in Sterling Heights, MI, Lisa teaches spiritual development classes and holds public demonstrations of mediumship throughout the country. Learn more at: www.lisabousson.com, contact Lisa at: lisa@lisabousson.com or 586-322-3217.
Make sure to visit Lisa's booth in the vendor area at the Expo!
At a gallery reading, the medium gives messages from Spirit to the audience. These may be from departed loved ones, guides, angels, and others. [PLEASE NOTE: Not everyone in the audience will receive a message, but all can benefit from the messages received; please remain in your seat until the end of the presentation.]

"More Money Please!"
Christine Fodor
1:00–2:00 pm
Yes please! More money! In this presentation, receive clearings and healings about money: having it, not having it, needing it, being it. Learn how to be with money in a way that brings it to you, instead of constantly chasing it. Christine Fodor shares many tools and techniques to clear blockages about money and offers an invitation for greater possibilities with wealth and prosperity. Join us to be and receive more ease with money!
In her private practice, Christine Fodor uses multiple techniques and modalities for overall body, mind, and spirit wholeness to achieve your highest wellness capacity for your body and your being. By using verbal clearing tools and energy healings along with psychic and intuitive knowledge, a tremendous impact for change in a short amount of time is possible to help you create a greater reality for your life.
Christine has been offering healings and readings since 2003 and teaching classes since 2006. She enjoys working with individuals and groups to help them achieve greater possibilities for success in love, relationships, business, health, and wealth, as well as more fun and joy in their lives. Christine is a contributor to a best-selling book, has hosted an online radio show, and is a licensed physical therapist assistant. Learn more at: renewalhealth.net
Visit Christine at her bodyworker booth in the vendor section of the Expo!

"All About Astrology: Finding Your Soul's Purpose"
Beverly Fish
2:30–3:30 pm
There is more to astrology than your sun sign. This lecture will explain the influences that the moon and planets also have on your everyday life. Beverly Fish will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each zodiac sign and their effects on your chart. Astrology is a symbolic system that appears to work via synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences. Find out how you can use your birth chart or natal chart to better understand yourself. "As above, so below."
Beverly began studying astrology in 1974 with Clara Darr of the American Federation of Astrologers. She is a member of the Southeast Michigan Astrological Research and Round Table (SMARRT) and a member of the Great Lakes Astrology Conference (GLAC) in Ann Arbor. Beverly's monthly astrology lectures are held at the Enlightened Soul Center.
Beverly can be reached at beverly.fish@comcast.net or through her website, www.fullmoonrising.center.
Get an appointment for a reading with Beverly in the 30-Minute Reader Room of the Expo!

Gallery Reading - Michigan Medium Angels
Connie Smock and Laura Ashley-Abraham
This dynamic duo, Connie and Laura, connect with higher realms to bring you loving, positive messages from your angels, guides, and loved ones that will amaze you. They deliver heart-felt messages that can initiate healing and peace at a soul level. In addition to hearing from your loved ones on the Other Side, Spirit may bring forward information to help you in any area where you are struggling, such as money, career, health, and/or relationships. They interject motivational speaking and share techniques to assist people to reach their goals. Their unique team approach is filled with compassion, sensitivity, uplifting energy and humor, which has led people to call this “a life-changing experience”.
The S.O.U.L. (School of Unconditional Love) Healing Center is home for the Michigan Medium Angels, Connie Smock and Laura Ashley-Abraham. Their services include mediumship and angel readings, Reiki, classes and workshops, soul coaching, past life regressions, and personal and residential/business spiritual clearings. Connie and Laura are available for individual readings and/or private parties, open forum group readings, and motivational speaking.
Laura Ashley-Abraham: 586.770.3069, Website: www.lauraashley-abraham.com
Connie Smock: 248.935.0094, Website: conniewarrioroflight.com
The SOUL Healing Center on Facebook: Thesoulhealingcenter444
Sign up for a session with the Michigan Medium Angels at their booth in the vendor section of the Expo!