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Sunday Presentations

PRESENTATIONS are FREE with paid Expo admission!​

NEW LOCATION: Presentations take place in the intimate Experimental Theater,
down the hall from the food vendors. (Seats approx. 200)

PLEASE NOTE: Late admittance is prohibited for most Gallery Readings. 

Seating is available 20 minutes before each presentation.

Schedule is subject to change. SEE ALSO the Saturday Presentations.

Mark Long
Lisa Bousson
Joe Elwart
Elizabeth Brown

Sunday, March 24, 2019

"Transmission Meditation in the Age of Aquarius"

Mark Long, Share International


Do you have a desire to serve humanity and build a stronger connection with your own spiritual nature? Transmission Meditation is a simple method of accomplishing both goals, while working with others and in close cooperation with the Masters of Wisdom. This presentation will include a talk, time for questions & conversation, and a short meditation.


Transmission is a group meditation, given now at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. The beneficent Aquarian energies stimulate group activity, drawing humanity forward along a path of unity. By meditating in group formation, we can transmit these spiritual energies out into the world—and help bring about a planetary transformation.

Mark Long is a volunteer with Share International, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that publicizes information about Maitreya, the Teacher for the new age, and Transmission Meditation. Mark is a lifelong student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings, and has practiced Transmission for the last 30 years.

Make sure to visit Share International's booth in the vendor area of the Expo!

Gallery Reading

Lisa Bousson, Evidential Medium


Wouldn’t it be great to know, without a doubt, that your loved ones are still around you, continuing their involvement in your life? Join internationally known psychic medium Lisa Bousson as she enlightens and inspires, bringing through evidence of your ancestors’ survival. Come with your heart and mind open, as you may be reunited with those you love! “As a medium, I am honored to witness the bonds of love, heartfelt compassion and healing energy from spirit to their loved ones here on earth. Spirit wants to talk to us as much as we want to talk with them.”


For more than five decades, Michigan psychic medium Lisa Bousson has been communicating with the world of Spirit. Lisa is a Certified Spiritualist Healer, Reiki Master, Certified Spiritualist Medium, Certified Psychic Medium, Ordained Spiritualist Minister, Ordained Metaphysical Minister, instructor at the famed historic Lily Dale Assembly, and currently holds a Bachelor’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences from The University of Sedona. Along with her private practice based in Sterling Heights, MI, Lisa teaches spiritual development classes and holds public demonstrations of mediumship throughout the country. Learn more at:, contact Lisa at: or 586-322-3217.

Make sure to visit Lisa's booth in the vendor area at the Expo!

At a gallery reading, the medium gives messages from Spirit to the audience. These may be from departed loved ones, guides, angels, and others. [PLEASE NOTE: Not everyone in the audience will receive a message, but all can benefit from the messages received; please remain in your seat until the end of the presentation.]

"Reconnecting Spiritual DNA to Physical DNA"

Rev. Joseph R. Elwart, Academy for Empowered Living

2:30–3:30 pm

Our connection to Spirit gets dimmed and even blocked because of the world we live in. Physical DNA is what makes us who we are physically. Our Spiritual DNA connects us not only to Spirit, but to our intuition, clarity of thought, and discernment, and provides a stronger connection between our will and our actions. We tend to block the negative energy of this world around our crown chakra, which in turn impedes our guiding connection to Spirit. This workshop will show us how to keep this channel to our spiritual DNA open. Joe Elwart will be handing down a Ritual of Protection to all who attend this lecture.


The presenter of this topic is Reverend Joseph R. Elwart, Psy.S. He is a Guide and Trainer in the Modern Mystery School, and holds many other titles. He shares these teachings previously hidden for thousands of years, now open to the public, through the Academy For Empowered Living, located in Royal Oak, MI. 

Make sure to visit the Academy For Empowered Living booth in the vendor area of the Expo!

Gallery Reading

Rev. Elizabeth Brown


Elizabeth was ordained in 2009 from the Indiana Association of Spiritualists and is a certified medium. She has pursued her mediumship studies there and has spoken at many Spiritualist churches in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. Elizabeth was named the 2009 Spiritualist of the Year by the Michigan State Spiritualist Association of Churches in May of 2009.


Elizabeth loves working with flowers along with her mediumship and uses them in her readings. She also does Spirit Art, workshops, mediumship development classes, speaking engagements, and spiritual counseling. Elizabeth is the editor of the “Spiritual Happenings Newsletter”, a monthly newsletter that informs others in the spiritual community about events at various churches. She continues to work on her mental and physical mediumship abilities, through public demonstrations of trance, galas, and platform work, and is available for readings, parties, and circles.


Elizabeth can be reached by calling or texting her at 313-850-6539 or emailing her at

At a gallery reading, the medium gives messages from Spirit to the audience. These may be from departed loved ones, guides, angels, and others. PLEASE NOTE: Not everyone in the audience will receive a message, but all can benefit from the messages received. Please remain in your seat until the end of the presentation.

Get a reading from Liz Brown in the Reading Room at the Expo!

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