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Food Vendor Application

We are so grateful you are applying to be a food vendor at the 7th Annual Spring Expo!
Both full payment and completed application are required in order to be considered complete.

Saturday, March 23, 2019: 10am–6pm 
Sunday, March 24, 2019: 11am–6pm
Skyline High School
2552 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
M-14 exit 2 (Maple-Miller) / FREE parking, all next to the building!
Loading is available behind the building (north side), then move vehicle to designated vendor parking area.

QUESTIONS: Email Tara, Food Vendor Coordinator, at: 


FOOD VENDORS STAFF THEIR OWN BOOTHS and handle payments from the public.

COST: $100 covers both Saturday & Sunday
SIZE: A booth that can contain up to three 6-foot tables. (Booth size and dimensions can vary.)

SET-UP: Set-up starts at 7 AM on Saturday, September 22 and 9 AM on Sunday, September 23.

- FOOD SHOULD BE READY TO SERVE by 11 AM on Saturday and by NOON on Sunday
- We'd like the food booths to stay open until at least one hour before closing:

Until at least 5 PM on both days (closing is 6 PM both days)


PUBLIC ATTENDANCE is projected to be 1500–2000 customers over the weekend.

IN ADDITION, we'll have a "captive audience" of over 150 readers, vendors, bodyworkers and their helpers,
plus approx. 100 volunteers and staff. Readers' lunch hours start at those "READY TO SERVE" times given above.


ABOUT THIS APPLICATION: (some things may appear different if registering on your phone or tablet)

  • You'll need to submit a maximum 100-word description (approx. 600 characters) for the website and promotions.

  • When done with the application, hit the "Submit Application" button. After that, the page where you filled out the form should be blank.

  • After hitting the "Submit Application" button, IF the page is still there and doesn't go to the Paypal page, then there is likely an error in your application. You may see an error message at the bottom that says "Please fill in required fields" if you missed a required question; or you may not, if it's a different problem. Either way, scroll back up the form to find a required question that was not filled out or not filled out properly. (OFTEN it is because you have gone over the 600-character limit in your description.) Answer or fix, and then submit again.


PLEASE NOTE: This application works best in the internet browsers CHROME or FIREFOX

on a COMPUTER (phone and tablet users may encounter problems)

If you are unable to complete this form on this webpage, please click HERE to open the food vendor application in another window.



  • Once you successfully fill out and submit the form, you'll be automatically taken to a Paypal page no matter how you indicated you intend to pay. Your total registration amount will be given there. SORRY, NO REFUNDS unless your application is refused by us.

  • No Paypal account is needed to pay at Paypal; YOU MAY PAY ONLINE WITH A DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD. At the bottom right of the Paypal box, you may select “Pay with a debit or credit card” instead of using a Paypal account. 

  • Fee must be paid in full with application to be considered complete. To pay by check, inquire with the Food Vendor Coordinator at:

  • After submitting the application, you'll receive an email confirmation message. 


  • Food vendors will be located indoors. Please supply your own tables; Skyline High School does not have enough of them to offer to all vendors. We can provide chairs.

  • You must have any food serving licenses that are required in accordance with State of Michigan law.

  • We are limiting the number of food vendors and types of food vendors, so filling out the application does not guarantee your spot. You will be refunded if we already have a food vendor selling the same or similar food items.  

  • For those who wish to stay overnight in Ann Arbor, blocks of hotel rooms will be arranged for Expo weekend.


BOOTH APPLICATION AND PAYMENT DUE: Monday, March 11, 2019 (Late applications will be accepted until we are full, but may not be included in handouts or publicity.) SORRY, NO REFUNDS unless your application is cancelled by us.

HELPER NAME DEADLINE: Friday, March 15, 2019

LOAD-IN AND SET-UP: 7:00 am, Saturday, March 23, 2019
DROP-OFF of EQUIPMENT: Possible on Friday night, March 22, 2019. INQUIRE WITH THE FOOD VENDOR COORDINATOR about availability and logistics:

Sponsored by the Enlightened Soul Center & Shop, Ann Arbor MI ~

© 2025 by Enlightened Soul Expo

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