Saturday Presentations
PRESENTATIONS in the Auditorium are FREE with paid Expo admission, BOTH DAYS!
Schedule is subject to change. SEE ALSO the Sunday Presentations.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Gallery Reading
Camille Procassini
At a gallery reading, the medium gives messages from Spirit to the audience. These may be from departed loved ones, guides, angels, and others.
A professional clairvoyant and certified hypnotherapist, Camille Procassini has been clairvoyant all of her life. She enjoys a highly respected and successful private reading and teaching practice with clients from all over the world. She travels frequently to conduct readings and present workshops on a number of empowerment areas, such as Manifesting Your Dreams, Dream Interpretation, Feng Shui, and Working with Universal Signs.
Camille has served as an advisor on cases with local and federal law enforcement agencies, has been featured on ABC News, and is a frequent guest on radios programs nationwide.
Learn more about Camille at: thepsychicnextdoor.com
[PLEASE NOTE: Not everyone in the audience will receive a message, but all can benefit from the messages received; please remain in your seat until the end of the presentation.]

"Feel the Vibration: An Introduction to Feeling Energy Fields"
Dave Wattenberg
12:30–1:30 pm
Dave Wattenberg of Healing Energy, LLC is a Stone Healer, Healing Touch Practitioner, Tuning Fork Therapist, and spiritual healer. With his wife and soulmate, Chris, they have taught healing classes in New York, Texas, Ohio, and Michigan. They have developed a number of healing classes, including "Tuning Forks for Healers," "Static and Dynamic Stone Healing," and specialty classes in Kabbalah and energy restoration, among others.
Chris and Dave have taught students from experts to novices with no healing experience, alternative practitioners, and even doctors and nurses. They and their students have had great success; clients with problems that have been without cures have been resolved in just a few sessions.
The Wattenbergs believe that the ability to be a healer is inherent in everyone. Like any subject, some people learn faster and easier than others. Come and take the first steps to becoming a healer! Or, if you are already a healer, come and see how to enhance your abilities. Dave will be bringing a rare electronic musical instrument called a theremin, which is controlled without physical contact, to use in his demonstration.
Visit their website: www.stonehealingenergy.com
Make sure to visit Healing Energy LLC's booth at the Expo!

Gallery Reading
Lisa Bousson, Evidential Medium
2:00–3:00 pm
At a gallery reading, the medium gives messages from Spirit to the audience. These may be from departed loved ones, guides, angels, and others.
Wouldn’t it be great to know, without a doubt, that your loved ones are still around you, continuing their involvement in your life? Join internationally known psychic medium Lisa Bousson as she enlightens and inspires, bringing through evidence of your ancestors’ survival. Come with your heart and mind open, as you may be reunited with those you love! “As a medium, I am honored to witness the bonds of love, heartfelt compassion and healing energy from spirit to their loved ones here on earth. Spirit wants to talk to us as much as we want to talk with them.”
For more than five decades, Michigan psychic medium Lisa Bousson has been communicating with the world of Spirit. Lisa is a Certified Spiritualist Healer, Reiki Master, Certified Spiritualist Medium, Certified Psychic Medium, Ordained Spiritualist Minister, Ordained Metaphysical Minister, instructor at the famed historic Lily Dale Assembly, and currently holds a Bachelor’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences from The University of Sedona. Along with her private practice based in Sterling Heights, MI, Lisa teaches spiritual development classes and holds public demonstrations of mediumship throughout the country.
www.lisabousson.com, lisa@lisabousson.com, 586-322-3217
Make sure to visit Lisa's booth in the vendor area at the Expo!
[PLEASE NOTE: Not everyone in the audience will receive a message, but all can benefit from the messages received; please remain in your seat until the end of the presentation.]

"Flower Essences: Nature's Powerful Healing Gift"
Merri Walters, Great Lakes Sacred Essences
Merri Walters is a fascinating, knowledgeable guide into the world of healing with plants. She will share her understanding of plant medicine and how flower essences can be used to help you experience more health and emotional well-being in professional practice and your personal life. This presentation will introduce you to the basics of flower essences, their history, how they work, and how to use them effectively. You will learn about their qualities and how they can be beneficial to your well being. Merri will also discuss how to use essences with children, the elderly, and in a professional setting. Whether you are new to natural healing or a practiced professional, Merri is here to answer your questions, increase your knowledge, and to help you to find natural ways to reduce the stress of modern life.
Merri Walters is the owner and creator of Great Lakes Sacred Essences, a Michigan-based flower essence company with over 280 individual individual organic flower essences and 18 combination essence sprays. These products combine the emotional and spiritual healing power of flower essences with therapeutic-grade organic and wildcrafted pure essential oils. Working as a intuitive holistic health practitioner for the past 35 years has allowed Merri to work with both children and adults from all walks of life in her office and remotely worldwide. Known by some as a “healer’s healer,” she is well practiced in herbology, homeopathy, flower essences, essential oils, and native spirituality. As the mother of eight children, she is also well practiced in life! Merri unifies wisdom from many streams of healing practices into a coherent understanding that serves as a guide for relating more deeply with the botanical world...for health, rejuvenation, AND spiritual awakening!
Visit Merri's website: sacredessences.com
Make sure to visit Healing Energy LLC's booth at the Expo!

Gallery Reading
Adrianna Lesniak
5:00–6:00 pm
At a gallery reading, the medium gives messages from Spirit to the audience. These may be from departed loved ones, guides, angels, and others.
Adrianna Lesniak is a third-generation psychic medium. In her family, being psychic is normal. From childhood, she has been channeling a sacred symbol which she uses for healing and connection energies: the Sacred Triad. Adrianna has been a featured speaker and presenter at churches, colleges, retreats, and expos. She is heard around the world on her Blog Talk Radio Shows: “Adrianna’s Psychic Sampler” and “Hot Topics with a Dash of Spirit.”
Adrianna is a Sacred Triad Practitioner, a natural medium, life coach, Reiki Practitioner, author, wife, and mother. She continues to study the Ancient Tetragrammaton, which has brought so much light and love into the world.
Email: Adrianna@MysticConnections.com, website: MysticConnections.com
Make sure to visit Adrianna's booth in the vendor area at the Expo!
[PLEASE NOTE: Not everyone in the audience will receive a message, but all can benefit from the messages received; please remain in your seat until the end of the presentation.]